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Active Access IAM - Manage Organization - Modify a User's Roles


This article applies to Security Administrators. This article will describe the procedure for adding and removing roles to and from a user.


Active Access IAM supports two types of roles: Administration Roles and Application Roles. Administration roles control the user's administration rights within IAM Administration. Application roles are linked to a service package or subpackage and control the user's roles within customer-owned applications. 

IAM Administration Roles

Adding an Administration Role to a User

  1. From the hamburger menu select Administration > Manage roles
  2. select the Add User icon in the action column next to the desired role
  3. If needed, use the filer icon to search for the desired user. Check the box next to the desired user(s) name(s)
  4. Click the Assign button

Removing an Administration Role from a User

  1. From the hamburger menu select Administration > Manage roles
  2. Click the X icon in the Action column corresponding with the role
  3. Use the filter icon if needed to search for the desired user(s). Check the box for the user(s) to be removed from the role
  4. Click the Remove button to remove the role from selected users

Application Roles

Adding an Application Role to a User

  1. From the hamburger menu select Manage organization > Users
  2. If needed, use the filer icon to search for the desired user
  3. Click on the desired user's name
  4. Click on the user's Service packages tab
  5. Expand the list of applications to view all sub packages, click on the desired subpackage
  6. Click on the Application roles tab
  7. Click the + icon
  8. Select the desired role(s) then click Assign 

note: it may take up to 1 hour for back end systems to update once the role has been assigned

Removing an Application Role from a User

  1. From the hamburger menu select Manage organization > Users
  2. If needed, use the filer icon to search for the desired user
  3. Click on the desired user's name
  4. Click on the user's Service packages tab
  5. Expand the list of applications to view all sub packages, click on the desired subpackage
  6. Click on the Application roles tab
  7. Click the trash can icon in the action column corresponding with the role to be removed
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