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Active Access IAM - My Tasks - Approving User Requests


This article applies to users with the Security Administrator role. This article with describe the process for evaluating and approving or rejecting user requests for access, applications, application roles, and vendor codes.


Administrators will need to evaluate and then approve or reject user requests for access to Active Access, service packages, applications, vendor codes, and application roles. Administrators can view their users' pending requests by clicking the link in the notification email, from the Active Access IAM homepage, or from the My Tasks option on the hamburger menu.

Clicking a link in a notification email will lead the administrator to the request to review and then approve or reject it. Navigating to the open requests from the My Tasks menu or from the home page will lead the administrator to the entire list of pending requests awaiting review and decision. The administrator can then choose the request to review and complete the review and decision workflow.

Organization Requests

The task list will default to displaying the Organization Requests. These requests will be requests from other organizations, such as divisions or affiliate organizations for access to service packages or vendor codes that your organization controls.

User Requests

Administrators can use the toggle to switch the view between organization and user requests. User requests will display open requests for access to service packages, sub packages, applications, application roles, and vendor codes from users within the administrator's organization.

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